I bet you’ve heard the term “content marketing” at least 10 times in the last week if you read any blogs. The thing is that content marketing is a very hot commodity now. Majority of big businesses engage in content marketing to sell their products. The concept of content marketing can be challenging to understand at times. However, content marketing plays a huge role in the success of the business. I will provide you with content marketing tips to make you successful at it. As a result, your blog traffic will increase. But first, let’s define content marketing.
What is Content Marketing?
According to the Content Marketing Institute,
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.
Many of the big labels and brands use content marketing today. People are tired from sales pitches and advertisements. They want to get something valuable. Moreover, they want to know that you care about their problems. For these reasons, content marketing is the perfect solution as it
- results in getter and loyal customers
- increase your sales
- and it’s cheaper than paying for advertisements and traditional sales pitches.
Now we know what content marketing is. Next, let’s look at some content marketing tips that will increase your blog traffic and sales.
What Are Some Content Marketing Tips to Result in Blog Traffic Increase?
Tips for content marketing help you to improve and grow your business. Moreover, once you implement these marketing tips, you will see blog traffic increase. Blog traffic increases in time translate to a higher volume of sales. Surprisingly, the majority of these marketing tips are straightforward and logical. If applied and used correctly, they will yield results. Let’s take a look at some of these marketing tips, and trust me, start using them.
Avoid sales pitch and tell a story instead
Content marketing is about telling a story that your audience wants to hear, read or watch. The story should be informative and useful to the reader. You do not need to do a sales pitch. It will only result in scaring away your audience because a sales pitch is forcing the audience to buy. Moreover, when you tell a useful story, your readers will remember that better than any advertisement. When they are ready to buy, they will come to you because they will remember your story.
Write what your customer wants to read
To be effective and successful in content marketing, you must always ask yourself what is it that your customers want? What are they interested in? The content you create must resonate with your audience. You must do some research to see what your audience is interested in, what type of information they value. Moreover, you should pay attention to social conversations and trends because this will help you in creating your content.
A tip for traffic increase is to engage with your readers
Imagine creating content, or posing a question either on your site or social media. Then one of your readers either answers the question you posed or asks you a question. Now you have an opportunity to start and create a relationship with your audience. You can turn that question into a topic on its own, and write about it either as a separate post or as part of your newsletter. An action like this one tells your readers that you care about them, and take their questions seriously. Engagement with your audience will create loyalty among your readers to you. By paying attention and responding, you get an opportunity to engage your audience and make sure they feel they are important.
Get rid of the jargon in your writing
One of the essential content marketing tips is to get rid of the jargon or slang in your posts. Phrases like “get our ducks in a row,” “cutting edge,” “push the envelope,” or “drill down” immediately tell your audience that you are selling. Those phrases come off as a sales pitch because that’s what they are.
Instead of the jargon, concentrate on delivering helpful, informative content to your readers. You will soon realize that by delivering helpful information, your blog traffic will increase and your business will grow.
Become an authority figure for your audience
One way to succeed in getting a blog traffic increase is act as an authority figure by providing insightful information. As mentioned several times above, be helpful. Answer your readers’ questions. Unconsciously, your readers will come to view you as an expert, an authority figure and will gravitate toward you and your product.
Social media is good, but you need to push beyond that to see blog traffic increase
Posting and sharing on social media is a great way to keep in touch with your readers, and make sure other people find about your site or product. However, what is scary about social media is that it does not belong to you. You cannot control the content or the message. If that site shuts down, your entire social media following gets lost.
For this reason, one of the more import content marketing tips is to go beyond social media. You should do your best to push your readers into opting-in to your e-mail marketing campaign. The way to do this is to offer something in return for opt-in. It can be an e-book, a guide, a discount, a product, or a report. As long as your reader sees the value in your offering, they will be incentivized to sign up for your newsletter.
The beautiful thing about this is that your subscribers are on your platform. You control the message, and you own the site. As long as you decide to keep it operational, you control everything. Keep offering helpful information to your reader to make them want to stay with you. Creating and growing an email list is one of the best ways for blog traffic increase.
Another tip for content marketing is to use a variety of mediums aside from writing
Writing blog posts or posts for your website is a great marketing tip. You establish readers, and they become followers. Eventually, you can sell your products to these people. However, there are other ways to have useful content or offer services nowadays than writing.
According to Small Business Trends, “by 2019, the global consumer Internet video traffic will account for 80 percent of all consumer Internet traffic, and this doesn’t even include video exchanged through peer-to-peer (P2P).” (the statistics are from Cisco’s Visual Networking Index (PDF)). A marketer or seller today has options such as videos, podcasts, vlogs, etc. Using different mediums will guarantee that your content and message is reaching different people.
Utilize video and podcast option also. You can have a dedicated YouTube channel. In your videos be helpful and informative content. Be careful to not come off as a typical salesperson. Let your audience unconsciously decide that they want your product.
One of the more important tips for traffic increase is to send serial e-mails
Once you had some subscribers, who have opt-in to receive e-mails from you, start using this option. Even if you have just 100 subscribers, you should still market to them every day. Imagine if you were to begin a series of emails to your readers who are getting your emails.
The series would be on a topic that interests your reader. Maybe they have a problem, and you can provide a solution. When you periodically send out helpful information, your readers will share that content with other people they know. The content sharing will result in blog traffic increase and more loyal readers for you.
One of the most vital content marketing tips is paying attention to your writing
Most of the time the material that gets to your reader is done through writing it. Blogs are a useful way to accomplish your content marketing without sounding like a used car salesperson. For these reasons, your writing must be on point. To get your message across, you should follow blog post guidelines.
First and foremost, make sure your headline is eye-catching and informative. Many readers don’t get past the headline. Make sure your headline accurately reflects your content, so your readers don’t get disappointed. When you’re not sure whether it’s a strong headline or not, you can use tools like CoSchedule’s free Headline Analyzer or Advanced Marketing Institute’s Headline Analyzer.
Content marketing is an essential method of spreading the word about your product or services. It is used by many big businesses and brands in the world, as it is preferable to traditional sales pitches and paid advertisement. Certain content marketing tips can result in dramatic blog traffic increase. Majority of these marketing tips are straightforward and easy to implement. The content marketing tips listed above are:
- Avoiding a sales pitch and telling a story
- Writing what your customer wants to read
- Engage with your readers
- Get rid of the jargon in your writing
- Become an authority figure for your audience
- Push beyond social media to email opt-in
- Use a variety of mediums such as videos
- Send serial emails
- Pay attention to your writing
If you liked this post, then please subscribe and share. I want to hear from you. Are there any specific tips that you use on regular basis to boost your traffic? Leave a comment below.
Thanks for the great tips! I especially love the one about sending serial emails. It’s one of the best ways to get people to actually open and read your newsletter.
You’re welcome Alison! I definitely agree about the e-mails. Newsletters have so much to offer in terms of growing your blog/business, but most people don’t utilize them.