a woman sitting on the bed working on her computer with a cup of tea


    1. Honestly Gutenberg is not complicated. I think it’s as simple as it can be while giving you plenty of customization and design options. If you need additional help, sign up for my free Gutenberg course.

  1. Hi Mariam,
    I had no idea that I was already using Gutenberg and absolutely no idea that there were plugins available for the bits that I don’t seem to be able to do properly at present. Thank you so much for educating me!

  2. I was wondering what Elementor even was! Great explanation. I broke down and switched to Gutenberg recently. I was resisting the big change, but I am so happy I finally did it. So much better. I did not know about the Gutenberg block plugins. I will have to check those out.

  3. Great information. I had never even heard of this. I currently write my posts using Elementor and I had no idea I would have to start over with my posts if I switched themes. Thank you tons for sharing I will definitely be trying this out!

    1. Hi Melissa! Thanks for stopping by. I am glad you found the information here useful. If you switch themes, you don’t have to write your posts all over again. However, if you decide not to use Elementor anymore or switch to another page builder, then your posts will be gone. Also, for many advertisement networks, posts written with page builders is an issue.

  4. Super helpful thanks so much! I always wondered if it was a bad thing to use elementor for everything. Think I will stick to Gutenberg now.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Yes, Gutenberg or classic editor is a better choice for writing your blog posts. Page builders are great for creating pages, and templates, but the actual writing should be done in WordPress.

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