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  1. I am just going to launch my new online course for Airbnb hosts and other short term rentals. So this post was just what I need to read with your section about why it’s worth it to blog and do online course creation. Thanks for this great article!

  2. There is so much information and so many people making it seem like it’s easy to make money with blogging, but they are usually trying to sell you their course about that. I don’t think it is easy and I think the people who actually are making lots of money with it worked hard to get it that way. We will see if I can do it or not. Thanks for the information.

    1. Hi Susan! Thanks for your comment. It’s definitely not easy to make money, especially good money from your blog anymore. But, it’s possible and doable if you adopt a strategy for it. It will take some planning and perseverance to get there. It’s not a quick way to money. However, it’s a good way to it because once you get the hang of it, you can duplicate it over and over and just go higher from there. Let me know if I can help! (Not selling anything to you, promise?)

  3. I’m trying to get into working with brands and I will be working on creating an e-book this month and I am very excited to see how it works! Do you have any posts that you know or can recommend involving creating e-books?

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